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Does Your Dog Own A Skateboard?

Does Your Dog Own A Skateboard?

Does your dog own a skateboard?

Does he own a bowling ball?

I hear him in the kitchen,

I hear him in the hall.

I just have to stop and wonder

At the wonder of it all!

Does your dog own a skateboard?

Does he own a bowling ball?

Does your dog play soccer?

Or maybe basketball?

I can feel the windows rattle

I can feel it through the wall

I just have to stop and wonder

At the wonder of it all!

Does your dog own a skateboard?

Does he own a bowling ball?

Does your dog have a cricket bat?

A cricket rubber ball?

I hear him through the ceiling,

See a bit of plaster fall.

I just have to stop and wonder

At the wonder of it all!

Does your dog own a skateboard?

Does he own a bowling ball?

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